Friday, July 23, 2010

044 "...wonderland is not my cup of tea.."

Canada's Wonderland
18 July 2010

Event: Muslim Festival

Today, we went to Canada's wonderland. There is a muslim day festival and live performance from Mesut Kurtis, Shaykh Al-Ninowy and Junaid Jamsheed at the Kingswood Theatre in Canada's Wonderland. Here is the journey to the Canada's Wonderland. :D

the subway at yorkdale

From our place we took st.patrick's subway to yorkdale. then from yorkdale we took a GO bus, straight to Canada's wonderland.

The GO bus

We can bring food from home, and eat outside the Wonderland not inside because they don't allow outside food. That's why people were picnic outside the wonderland. Everything in the wonderland is expensive. Thus, eat well before you go in.

picnicking outside the wonderland

The Canada's Wonderland. Here are some of the games they have. There is more, I just don't have time to walk all over the wonderland because it's too big. I arrived there at 1700, because the live performance start at 1830, it's late already. It doesn't matter to me cause I don't fancy this kind of game.LOL.

the roller coaster

the psyclone

time warp

the orbit
the headache robot

the pusing2

I don't play the extreme game as shown in the picture above. I just don't like it, and never will ride one. My type of game is like these game, the betting game or the monkey bear game. It's game that you play and win. Then, you will get something in return. That's totally me.hahaha.

the betting game

the monkey bear game

the sign

2 rings for $5

At the bazaar, we bought 2 rings for $5. blue for me and pink for my sis. It's a cute ring and I love it so much. and It's cheap some more. :P

the bazaar

the salty popcorn

Mesut Kurtis and Junaid Jamsheed

Here are the video of the live performance. Just some part of it.

the iPad lucky draw

the kingswood theatre, Canada's Wonderland

maple tree at night

last pose, before went out

the entrance at nite

time to sleep. chow.


msyuk said...

have a safe journey!!!!should go one day!!!!

cik iman atom kat sana jumpa org jual laksa x??

atom28 said...

Thanks. silalah datang melawat negara daun maple ni ye. nk kata menarik, ok jela. Malaysia lagi best. hahaha..

hahaha. setakat ni xjumpe lagila laksa kat cni. susah nk cr mknn Malaysia kt cni. byk jepun, india, pakistan n lebanese food je.

tp kat cni Muslim community dia bley kata kuat gakla, byk masjid. so kalo jalan2 ada jela tmpt nk solat.