I arrived late. so, I just met a few people ex-kisasians 04' also called GEN-48:
my classmate:Nazira, Hidayah and Kre
from other classes: Amin, Azree Jawa, Khairuddin
My Homeroom teacher, Cikgu Marina can't came on that day cause she doesn't felt so well. She had a fever with stiff joints. It made her difficult to move. Thus, She send her regards to all who came on that day.
Here is the pictures of the ceremony. I don't bring any camera. so , I just take a few pictures from Azree Jawa FB. Thanks, Jawa.

note: I like the picture with that little kid. Its a nice shot.
Congratulation to Amir and wife. I've got nothing but prayers, wishing this true love lasts forever. Ameen.
eh...da kawen da dia ni...kite kenal amir ni ms masuk MTQ Sgor dlu...
iman...meh email yg awk guna utk blogger ni...nak invite...
haah. dia masuk hafazan. awk kenal roihan ngan naili gakkan?
email kite same cam haritu gak imzh2805[at]gmail.com
dua2 kenal...
yg masuk tilawah pun kenal...yg dlm pic tu pkai bju kaler oren kan?
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