Something that actually I didn't write it in my blog here. It's fandom things, mostly I will write in my LJ here.

But for no reasons, I just feel like to write in here. But not that I will write again after having it write here.hahaha. Sorry I'm too lazy to write all over again. Just I will add more pictures from the Korean Drama, You're Beautiful. LOL.

Note to sis Mala:
I know you don't have interest in korean or Japanese drama. But just to give some entertainment for working people.hehe.:P Feel free to read my public post at LJ. Here I added song of the day. Hope you like it. Title of the song I hope by FT.Island.
ehem ehem :P
(dah lama tak blog-hopping, tengah-tengah jam 3.40 a.m whilst revising GI bleh plak nak blog-hop) *sigh* :P
btw Iman, awak ada wordpress account tak? (x semestinya blog) sbb nak add to read list. uhu.
baik saya akan sambung habiskan liver disorders~
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