Thursday, April 30, 2009

005 " tagged.."

I've been tagged by someone name aiyida-senpai who play RC just now*RC is a concrete game.ok?don't ask!*. Here is the details..

1. Senaraikan 10 images makanan/minuman yang anda teringin nak makan saat ini.

2. Carian hendaklah dilakukan dengan Google dan paparkan image paling menggiurkan.

3. Turutan gambar hendaklah mengikut nafsu keinginan anda masing-masing.

4. Sila tag 6 orang lain untuk tugasan ini. Selamat menyelesaikan tugasan!

I'm supposed on hiatus. why I'm doing this?
Ok. Because this is about food.It's an exception.Here the pics taken from various site and thanks to whoever own it.

here comes the food.YUMMY!!

1. Onigiri pikachu bento..*waa...nak2!!*

2. Mee maggi *yin masak maggi skunk!!*

3. Nasi goreng mama masak*gambar bukan n.goreng sebenar*

4. Bakso *mak dayat buat sangat sedap.las makan 5-6 tahun yang lepas kot.huhu*

5. sambal goreng tempe

6. Lasagna* yang nak main masak2 nih*

7. Bergedil*tahukah anda cara mudah membuat bergedel dengan menggunakan potatoes flakes?anda tahu?tahu tak mengapa. tak tahu boleh tanye...*

8. Lempeng pisang*orang perak panggil ketepek pisang. ye ke?hmm. nanti balik tanye mama*

9. Wantan mee*dekat bukit bintang ader satu yang sedap berharga rm9.00-big and delicious.worth it*

10. Takoyaki *tako=octopus,yaki=bola2, gabungkan jadi bebola octopus a.k.a bebola tepung sotong yang dibakar. tahukah anda??*


are you sattisfied? no?

Then, I hope you enjoy dissatisfaction. XDXD

I already forgot about the last request. So here i'm tag:

1) my brother *g buat skunk gak!!kalo tak, tak nak tolong dia lagi :P*
2) izuan
3) Alyaa
4) yin
5) Adian
6) Daya'ah

2nd timer tag:

I would like to tag all akmalien00-02 and akmal class blog.. :P

back on hiatus.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

004 "..say hye2 bye2 to design..."

no design schedule for today. because tomorrow is final exam with entrepreneurship subject.*entrepreneurship la sangat..haha.. poyo je..keusahawanan suda.dush!dush!*

so for today is benkyou in other word study.

what happen to design?

planning consider 60% done.
maybe later tonight will be doing it after finish study all the topics.

so for next few days. I'll be on hiatus because I want to get all my things done before the critics session.

then, off to hiatus. till fingertips meet the keyboard again.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

003 "..clustering is no good.."

Yesterday target could not be achieved. why couldn't be achieved? There are because of 2 main reason :*muhasabah dirila kononnya nih*

1. too many cluster and not enough space to put in a cluster because of the shape have taken out a lot of spaces.*image shown is one of the cluster*

2. need to consider all the technical part such as M&E for every cluster, water supply, sewerage system, fire escape and telephone line. also 20% marks goes to sustainability of the building.passive and active design.*sigh*.. to many considerations need to be taken care of. *long sigh*...

So as today target onwards>> complete the layout planning by noon. ganbarimasu!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

002 " on today SUNDAY.."

0830 : breakfast with my sis at Akah's Roti Boom stall. borak punye borak tak sedar jam da kol 930

0930: We went to Giant Hypermarket. borong makanan la aper lagi untuk stok di studio malam ni.*bekerja keras*

1200: Arrived Studio 5th year. setting my place and berlibur. hahaha.

1240 tilll current: detail up layout planning. sambil berlibur-libur bila rasa mengantuk

today's target:
>> completing the detail layout plan. Just then, I can move forward to my elevation and section.

"O Allah, Please give me strength and idea to complete my planning today.Amiin"

Friday, April 24, 2009

001"..A starts of something NEW..."

I'm not a blogger neither nor a journalist.

Even though this blog have been made a long long time ago. But I rarely update in here.

So today I decide to start updating my blog during my leisure time.yes, i'm starting My Nikki a.k.a blog.YAY!! Therefore i will start this entry with that I know how many entries I already make. this will motivate me to keep up on updating.LOL

I'll do my best .

P/s: I try to improve my english language. Therefore, I will write this in english+-malay. If there any mistakes, Please correct me.
thank you.Yoroshiku onegaishimasu ^^